As the National Assembly celebrates

8th National Assembly recently celebrated the first anniversary of its inauguration.

As was to be expected it scored itself high – very high – on performance and service delivery.  In separate reviews, Senate President Bukola Saraki and House of Representatives Speaker Yakubu Dogara submitted that the current Assembly has performed far better than previous assemblies in their first year, judging by the quantum of bills and resolutions passed.

Quantity is impressive, it must be granted:  300 bills by the Senate alone, and 162 motions on such significant subjects as electronic transactions, debt recovery and insolvency, infrastructure fund, and national road fund.  It has also partnered with international agencies and the private sector to devise ways of improving the business environment and attracting investors.

To this should be added its intervention in preventing the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission from gouging consumers, its interactions with the Central Bank to help shore      up the Naira, and its parley with indigenous manufacturers to help promote patronage of locally produced goods.

Not bad, when you consider the distractions to which Saraki especially has been subjected, what  with his having to shuttle between the Assembly and the courts to answer charges of perjury and forgery. He did not sponsor any bill.  But only the greatest devotion to duty and patriotism of the highest order could have engendered such committed leadership.

The Total of 685 bills came before the Green Chamber in the period under review.  Some two-thirds –416 to be exact— cleared the first reading and are now awaiting the second.  Only ten  of them are from the Executive Branch, the rest being private members’ bills.

Unlike Saraki who has not sponsored any bills –on account of the distractions aforementioned, Speaker Yakubu Dogara personally has nine bills to his name.  One of the pieces of legislation wending its way through the House is the Northeast Development Commission Bill, a spirited response to the devastation wrought by Boko Haram in that region of Nigeria.

Ultimate test of course is not the volume of bills passed but how many have been signed into law and how well they serve the public interest.

Here the record is less helpful.  I gather that no more than ten have crossed threshold. A great many of the bills are ego trips, proposed for the sake of having one’s name entered into record as a genuine lawmaker, or to create the illusion of active participation in lawmaking.

Same goes for resolutions, usually knee-jerk reactions to some developing issues, or self-serving declarations on all kinds of subjects under the sky and beyond.  It does not matter that they are non-binding.

Important thing is to have it on record that a certain distinguished senator — distinguished for being distinguished — or one honourable representative – honourable for being honourable — moved a motion, which drew the enthusiastic endorsement of another distinguished senator or honourable representative, and the concurrence of all the distinguished senators and representatives assembled.

Still, with so many empty seats at any given moment, and with so many of its members trooping to the courts in a show of solidarity with the beleaguered Senate president, it is a wonder that any business gets done at all in the National Assembly.

Overall, then, a great deal of motion, but not much movement.  A great deal of heat, but not much light.  Still, no amount of carping can dissolve the fact that the National Assembly is one of the few Nigerian institutions that actually work

Other side of the ledger is less flattering,

The configuration of the Assembly, and especially its leadership, was conceived in treachery, nurtured in intrigue and has been sustained by chicanery.  The circumstance of its birth has hobbled and will continue to hobble it until it summons the courage to return to the path of honour and the law of the constitution.

It went into business vowing that it would never again be business as usual.   The first test of its resolve was the confirmation of the President Muhammadu Buhari’s cabinet nominees. Vetting was going to be thorough, tough and uncompromising, to ensure that only the most worthy candidates were left standing at the end.

Exercise was for the most part perfunctory.  Many of the candidates were simply told to bow and go, as of old. One should not make too fine a point on this, however.  Buhari effectively blindsided the Senate by presenting only the names of his nominees, without indicating the portfolio he planned to assign them. The Senate went along and carried on business as usual.

Scrutinising the Budget Estimates is probably one of the most important responsibilities of the National Assembly.  By the time the Presidency and the National Assembly were done, the whole thing had turned into a farce.  At home and abroad, the attentive audience tittered and sniggered about the budget that went missing.

Another first from Nigeria.

But nothing has exposed the national Assembly’s moral and ethical vacuity so much as the charges that its principal officers are facing before the courts.  Instead of prevailing on them to step aside for not having lived above suspicion, many of its members serenade them to court and in a vulgar display of solidarity occupy as a matter of entitlement seats meant for senior attorneys and others transacting legitimate business.

They hunker down, claiming that the executive is muscling in on territory reserved for the legislative branch and presuming to set the rules under which it operates.  Those rules can be changed as the National Assembly rightly insists. But they can be changed only as provided by law.  As I understand it, that was not the case with the so-called Senate Orders.

Under their definition of the separation of powers, the executive, the legislative and the judicial branches exist in separate, watertight compartments.  No branch is superior to another, and none can serve as a check on the other.

This is a wilful misreading of the letter and the spirit of the constitution.

When called upon to explain his part in an alleged forgery of official documents, the deputy Senate president who clinched that post through an unseemly pact takes it upon himself to tell the world that democracy in Nigeria is under assault by an overbearing executive.

Senate does not censure him for brining the body into disrepute.  It does remind him that the case at issue was initiated by some members of the same Senate.  Its idea of parliamentary independence is to corral the complainants into withdrawing the charge, failing which they stand to be suspended.

Senator (ha!) threatens on the floor to rape a fellow senator, and the demented thug does not even get censured for un-parliamentary language and conduct.

Now they must know that they overreached big-time when they summoned the Ambassador of the United States to come furnish further details of the sexcapades of their colleagues while on assignment in the United States.

They did not know, and none on the trainload of legislative aides knew or apparently sought to enlighten the legislators that they could not do that kind of thing under the Geneva protocol governing diplomatic relations.  It’s like summoning the foreign head of state, of whom the envoy is personal representative.

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