Most people think that meditation takes time away from physical accomplishment.
Taken to extremes, of course, that’s true. Does people, however, find out that meditation creates more time than it takes.
Not quite long, I hear some people say that they would love to take up meditation but they just don’t have the time or that they don’t know how to do it. Meditation is simple to learn and anyone can do it! You don’t have to be a master yogi to do and it will enhance all areas of your life.
You also don’t need to create time to do it. You’ll realise you can pretty much do it anywhere, anytime!
Meditation is one of a great tool for enabling you to stay calm in sticky or tense situations. It also allows you to feel more relaxed and more focused in every facet of your life.
Here are some great places you can utilise the skill of meditation without it encroaching on other things you might want to do.
- Shower:- You Remember Archimedes and Eureka! Just imagine what you can discover while in the shower or having a bath! Any task which you are on autopilot is an ideal time to go into zen mode.
- Walking:- Yes, walking is the perfect time to meditate! It’s not likely that you’ll be doing much else at the same time and walking takes very little concentration…unless you’re a year old. Consciously decide to use that time as meditation time and you’ll start to see how beneficial it can be.
- Driving:- While driving you can meditate. I find driving very relaxing and often fall into a very natural kind of meditation. You will still be totally alert to everything going on around you but you’ll almost enter a trance. I often get my best ideas and deepest insights during the long night drives.
- The Loo:- Definitely yes is one of the best places you can do it. What else are you going to do? It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if some of the greatest discoveries and most amazing knowledge was discovered while these great men and women were sitting on the loo.
- Train Bus Tube:- My personal preference is to read while I’m on public transport but if I don’t have a book handy then closing my eyes and connecting with the ether is the best alternative. So you can see there is no longer an excuse for not doing it. There are plenty of places and times where you can do it and you don’t have to make special time or create a place do it. Do it on the loo.
- Queues:- Instead of getting frustrated in queues and tiring yourself out, try getting into your flow or establishing your ‘Quan’ as CGJ said in Jerry Maguire. I promise you if you can do it you’ll actually notice the queue or traffic jam disappear faster! I hate getting stuck in traffic but if I just sit there getting more and more frustrated the slower the queue seems to move. If I do some silent reflection the queue vanishes quicker that a box of donuts at a police station.